Our New Adventure: Farm Fresh Hope
Food security hits close to home for me and Luke. Years ago as our savings dwindled, we were able to pay our bills, but didn't have anything left over for grocery money. Then God used chickens to bless us financially. In the dead of winter, with freezing temperatures and short days—when most chickens aren't laying often—our flock went into egg-production overdrive. The hens laid eggs and we sold the eggs to buy groceries. We fondly remember our favorite birds, and are incredibly thankful for how God used them to care for our family! Now that our flock is smaller, and the birds are more for entertainment, we recognize the changing of the seasons—it's our turn to provide for others.
We WHOLE HEARTEDLY believe Jesus calls us to help others, like when He commands us in John 21:17 to, “... feed my sheep." It's with these words in mind that we're excited to announce an adventure we're setting out on, in November 2024!
This is one of our fan favorites... Crunchy Microgreen Mix. Farm Fresh Hope is what we're calling our plan to partner with talented local chefs to create their own “Mission Microgreen Mixes.” We're collaborating with them to create new, individual mixes—tailored specifically to them—to market on social media, in our online store, at live events, etc. The goal is to sell as many Mission Microgreen Mixes as possible! On top of working with awesome local chefs, we're even more excited about donating 20% of the sales proceeds from these mixes to charity—preferably local, food-related charities. We are REALLY hopeful, and prayerful, that these collaborations—with local chefs who've got hearts similar to ours (for giving)—will make a BIG difference in the lives of our friends, neighbors, and local community.
Do you have a giving heart? If this new step for us sounds exciting to you too...
Over the coming weeks we'll be announcing our first collaboration and letting you know where to learn about the Chef we're working with and the first Mission Microgreen Mix that will be available. So, check out the webpage, and help us get the word out about what's coming up!
Share this site with your friends, family, and co-workers on social media or via word of mouth... lots more details to come!