Our On-Farm Readiness Review
Last week was HUGE for us! We had our PA Department of Agriculture On-Farm Readiness Review. We’re exempt from the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) regulations (for now), however, going through this PA Dept of Ag courtesy review is step one in opening up new opportunities for our business after farmers’ markets close for the season. Kim and Heather at the PA Dept of Ag were very helpful, liked our indoor farm, answered a bunch of our questions, and will be great resources for us as we grow!
Maybe you’re thinking, “What’s in it for me?” Well, something we hear a lot at market is, “Where can we buy?" Most farmers’ markets aren’t year round, and maybe you’d like to pick up some microgreens while you’re at the store doing your regular shopping. To be able to offer our products for sale at local grocery stores, GAP certification is a must—and last week was a step toward becoming GAP certified! Working toward this feather in our cap is one of our top priorities—so our products are available where you already shop!
There are a few steps we need to take before scheduling our GAP audit, and it’s a busy time of year for the auditors, so getting certified will be a slow process. That means, when markets end, our products won’t be in stores yet. If market season winding down has been on your mind, remember… we do home deliveries! So, check out our product selection online, and get your subscription started! There are no order minimums or delivery fees, and it’s super easy to change up products or skip deliveries (in your personalized account portal) once you start. As always, if you have questions, let us know via text at 570-652-8182.
P.S. We love growing microgreens from tiny seeds to the tasty, colorful products we sell to you at market. There’s just something about watching things grow! The same goes for our business in general. We’re growing! Our recent PA Dept of Ag readiness review went really well, and we’re moving right along in taking the steps required to make our products available in locations that are more convenient for you. Until you can find our microgreens at your favorite grocery store, sign up for a subscription to keep a fresh supply of greens in your fridge over the farmers’ market off-season.